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英文标题: | How Does Institutional Transmission Occur? An Analysis of the Institutionalization of Homeowners’ Self-Governance in City A |
摘要: | 本文以A市业主自治实践中的“体制化”现象为例,通过考察该现象的原因、过程和结果,探讨居委会主导的社区治理模式如何实现对业主自治的制度传递。研究发现,业主自治的“体制化”是基层政府的行政吸纳和业主群体的认同接纳共同作用的结果,表现为政府部门自上而下的制度设计、政策执行和人员选择,以及业主组织自下而上的理念竞争、资源动员和网络嵌入。“体制化”背后的制度传递包括价值理念传递、权力结构传递和人员队伍传递。 |
英文摘要: | This paper analyzes the reason, process, and result of a case of the institutionalization of homeowners’self-governance in city A. It explores how elements of community governance dominated by the Residents Committee are transmitted to the institution of homeowners’ self-governance. It finds that the institutionalization is a result of joint influence of administrative absorption by local government agencies, manifested as the institutional design, policy implementation and personnel selection from the top down, and the voluntary acceptance by homeowners, manifested as the idea competition, resource mobilization and network embeddedness from the bottom up. The transmission of institution includes the transmission of value, power structure, and personnel structure. |
作者: | 盛智明 |
作者单位: | 上海大学社会学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2019.6:139-163 |
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关键词: | 制度传递;业主自治;体制化;行政吸纳 |
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项目基金: | 本文是国家社会科学基金重大项目“当代中国转型社会学理论范式创新研究”(17ZDA112)的阶段性成果,并受国家社会科学基金青年项目“城市治理模式对社区纠纷和业主行动的影响研究”(14CSH065)的资助。 |
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