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英文标题: | On the Price Theories of New Economic Sociology |
摘要: | 新经济社会学指出社会网络制约价格,价格是社会建构的产物,企业定价遵从产业内部已有的定价规则,而且价格具有多方面的象征含意。这些价格观点受到新经济社会学理论流派分隔的影响,并未融于一个完整的体系之中,彼此间相互区隔。社会建构主义的价格观、组织社会学的新制度主义的价格观有助于我们认识大宗商品的期货交易价格和新兴产业中定价体系的扩散。文化社会学的价格观认为价格呈现了商品的质量,还呈现了与商品有关的行动者的社会特征。这种定价观更适用于分析时装和奢侈品等消费品、艺术品以及所谓“无价物品”的定价问题。结构经济社会学家与经济学家在价格问题上进行了更密切的对话,致力于从嵌入性角度关注信任和互惠的期待等治理安排、信息的分布与传递,以此来把握交易成本和生产成本的变动。新经济社会学的各种价格理论有别于经济学的价格理论的共同之处在于:都强调引起商品价格变动的社会因素,力图修正或拓展经济学的价格理论。 |
英文摘要: | The new economic sociologists argue that prices are shaped by social networks, prices are socially constructed,prices are made following existing pricing schemes in a given industry,and prices have multiple meanings. Due to the segmentation of the new economic sociology's various theoretical schools,these arguments on price have not been integrated into a single coherent theoretical framework. The price views of social constructionism and neo-institutionalism in the organizational analysis are helpful for us to study the future prices of commodities and the diffusion of pricing schemes in emerging industries. The price view of cultural sociology argues that price not only signals a commodity's quality but also represents certain social features of the actors relevant to the commodity,which is especially relevant to the pricing of consumer products such as fashion and luxurious goods,and the pricing of artistic works and the so called“priceless”goods. The structural economic sociology has an intensive dialogue with economics,focusing on trust and reciprocal expectations as governance arrangement,information distribution and dissemination in order to understand the determination of production cost and transaction cost. The price views of various new economic sociology theories,while different from their counterparts in economics, share some common features: they all focus on the social factors shaping price volatilities and seek to modify and improve the price theories of economics. |
作者: | 王茂福 |
作者单位: | 华中科技大学社会学系 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2011.5:225-242 |
中图分类号: | F014.31 |
文章编号: | |
关键词: | 新经济社会学; 价格理论 |
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项目基金: | 国家社科基金项目“新经济社会学的理论视角研究”(08BSH035)的一部分;国家留学基金资助 |
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