英文标题: | Care for the Elderly or the Children: Intergenerational Distribution in the Context of China’s Family Care Deficit |
摘要: | 在老龄少子化的时代背景下,中国家庭面临一老一小照顾需求叠加的新图景。本文从三代框架视角出发,采用混合研究方法考察中国城镇家庭照顾资源的代际分配与后果。本文发现,家庭照顾资源存在代际竞争;家庭普遍采取儿童优先原则,对老人仅作危机响应,老人端出现照顾赤字;社会照顾资源无法有效填补家庭老人照顾赤字,家庭存在难以兼顾老与小的焦虑。本文认为,照顾政策的支持不足加剧了儿童端对老人端家庭照顾的资源挤占,应完善政策支持系统,帮助家庭实现养老、养小和工作三者平衡。 |
英文摘要: | In the light of the rapid ageing population with a low fertility rate, Chinese families are challenged with a care deficit. This article examines how Chinese urban families cope with elderly care and childcare at the same time. By adopting a three-generational perspective, this mixed-method study analyzes family care resource distribution and its consequences. It finds that the children are competing with the elderly for family care resources; families give priority to the children and only respond to the needs of the elderly in times of crisis, resulting in a care deficit for the elderly; social care resources cannot effectively fill the family’s elderly care deficit. We argue that the lack of support from care policies has worsened the crowding-out of family care resources for the elderly by the children, calling for developing a supportive policy system that helps families achieve a balance between elderly care, childcare and work. |
作者: | 钟晓慧、彭铭刚 |
作者单位: | 中山大学中国公共管理研究中心、政治与公共事务管理学院(钟晓慧);广州大学公共管理学院(彭铭刚) |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2022.4: |
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关键词: | 照顾赤字;代际竞争;代际分配;三代框架 |
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项目基金: | 本文为国家社会科学基金项目《中国老龄社会治理下的积极家庭政策研究》(项目批准号:20BRK034)的阶段性成果。 |
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