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英文标题: “Resoluteness”as the Attitude towards Life and the New Intelligentsia: Liang Shuming’s early discussion on the path of Chinese culture
摘要: 近代中国面临社会结构瓦解和人心困顿的双重危机,承担社会整合和道德教化职能的传统绅士日趋没落,而倾向变革的知识分子则采取了刚健有为的入世态度。在此背景下,梁漱溟系统地建构了一套“刚”的人生哲学,统合人性论与历史实在,并回应了东西文化的争论。一方面,“刚”以“浅易”的普遍抽象的意欲出现,成长为“艰深”的人生态度,统摄儒、佛、西三种世界文化;另一方面,作为“刚”的承担者的新知识分子,在“亲师求友”的团体中培育“刚”的人生态度,并从小群体走进农村社会,改造乡村。“刚”即梁漱溟孜孜以求的人生问题与社会问题的答案。
英文摘要: Modern China was faced with a double crisis: the collapse of social structure and a mental confusion. The traditional gentry, who played a role in social integration and moral cultivation gradually declined. However, intellectuals who tended to promote social change took vigorous and constructive action in a positive spirit. In the context of these crises, Liang Shuming systematically constructed the philosophy of life. The attitude put forth was “resoluteness”, which integrated the theory of human nature and historical reality, and responded to the controversy over Western and Eastern cultures. On the one hand, “resoluteness” appeared in a plain form of the universal and abstract will. It then grew into the attitude towards life which was complicated and deep. The attitude integrated the three world cultures, including Confucianism, Buddhist philosophy and Western thought. On the other hand, the new intelligentsia as the bearer of “resoluteness” developed this attitude within their circle, and vowed to reconstruct the rural society. “Resoluteness” was the final answer to life and social problems, for which Liang devoted all his life in searching.


作者单位: 首都经济贸易大学劳动经济学院社会工作系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2016.4:169-192
关键词: 刚;人生态度;新知识分子;文化路向;梁漱溟
项目基金: 首都经济贸易大学2014年度科研基金项目成果
