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英文标题: Market Disputes and Government Intervention: A “risk transformation” framework
摘要: 本文讨论市场治理中的政府介入问题,即宣称为规则制定者或市场监管者的地方政府为何会深度介入市场主体之间的交易纠纷。结合社会学和经济学的制度分析,本文建构了一个风险转化的理论框架,并用其解读温州民间借贷服务中心的一起借贷纠纷案例。研究表明,政府介入交易纠纷的过程,涉及经济风险向政治风险转化以及政府对风险转化的回应两个方面;法律的完备性、政府与市场主体的关联性、政府之于社会的可退出性,是影响风险转化的三个结构性因素;面对风险转化,政府感知到的潜在政治风险强度越大,越容易介入交易纠纷。本文为市场转型中的政府角色研究和市场制度的社会建构研究提供了新的分析路径。
英文摘要: Taking a loan dispute in Wenzhou Private Lending Service Center as an example, this study tries to answer why local governments tend to be involved in transaction disputes when they claim to be the rule makers or market regulators. By introducing the perspective of institutional analysis, this paper constructs the theoretical framework of risk transformation and argues that the process of governments’ passive involvement includes two aspects: 1) the transformation of economic risk to political risk; 2) the governments’ responses to the risk transformation. The completeness of law, the association between local governments and market players, and the possibility of the government’s withdrawal from the society are the three structural factors leading to risk transformation. The potential political risk is positively correlated with the governments’ passive involvement in the transaction disputes. This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing a new analytical path for the governments’ role in the market transition and social construction of the market system.


作者单位: 中国社会科学院社会学研究所
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2016.4:27-51
关键词: 市场治理;风险转化;政府介入;风险分担规则
项目基金: 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71203195)
