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英文标题: Conceptualizing Public Disorder: State and the Emergence and Evolution of “Mass Incident” in China
摘要: “群体性事件”是国家赖以布局维稳工作的中心概念,因而是观察维稳政治形成和变迁的重要窗口。本文试图揭示该概念的形成、演变,以及造成这一过程的社会逻辑和机制。研究发现,1949年后,群体性事件作为一种现象早已有之,但“群体性事件”概念直到1994年才诞生。并且,“群体性事件”最初只是公安部门用以描述其工作任务的一个治安概念,后才随着防控群体性事件上升为一项国家性的政治日程而上升为一个政治概念。“群体性事件”概念的形成及演变是社会冲突与国家治理共同作用的结果:一方面,随着社会经济发展,集体抗争的形态不断出新;另一方面,为了应对集体抗争,国家不得不不断刷新自己的观念、行为和组织。正是得力于这两个方面的循环递推,“群体性事件”概念遂能从无到有,并从治安概念发展为政治概念。
英文摘要: The past twenty years witnessed the term “mass incident” (quntixing shijian) emerging and evolving into a core concept in the states agenda of maintaining political order in China.This paper explores the sociohistorical dynamics that gave birth to the concept of “mass incident”.“Mass incident” as an objective phenomenon has long existed.It was once referred to as “insurgency”(naoshi) by the state, until the term “mass incident” was coined in 1994.At first, “mass incident” was a concept used by the police to describe their task of daily operation.Later it developed into a political concept adopted by highlevel officials.The process of conceptualization is the result of the coevolution of societal collective action and the states responses.On the one hand, the nature, forms and participants of collective action changed in the past forty years.On the other hand, the state reformed its ideology, organizational structure and acting strategy.Under such an interplay of the state and society, the term “mass incident” emerged and evolved.


作者单位: 中国人民大学社会学系、社会学理论与方法研究中心
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2015.5:63-89
关键词: 群体性事件;国家治理;社会冲突;集体行动;维稳
项目基金: 受国家社科基金课题“社会冲突治理与新中国信访制度的演进研究”(11ASH004)和中国人民大学科研基金课题“当前中国网络群体性事件的形成及治理研究”(13XNL005)的资助
