英文标题: | Path, Space and Limitation of Rural Land System Reform in China: From the perspective of the mutual construction of actions under the framework of “empowerment and restriction of rights” |
摘要: | 本文从“赋权—限权”框架下中国农地制度相关主体行动互构的视角,系统考察改革以来在农地的经营、管理和征收改革中所形成的中央、农民和地方关系。研究发现,具有赋权—限权特性的改革在取得巨大成就的同时,也内含自身的悖论,即赋权与限权的对冲以及由此而来的中央、农民与地方—基层政府在赋权—限权上的需求错位:中央既通过不断强化农地承包经营权调动农民的积极性,又坚持农地的集体所有制限定农民的权利边界;既向地方赋权让利以调动积极性,又控制后者借地谋利的冲动;农民既利用赋权扩张利益,构成对限权的冲击,又借助限权维系村内土地平权机制,形成对赋权的约制;地方—基层政府则借中央对地方的赋权与对农民的限权经营土地,不仅压缩农民的土地发展权益,还构成对中央宏观土地管理的冲击,从而导致三方在赋权与限权需求上的相互消解甚至抵牾。这一由对冲的结构引致的复杂的行动互构,实际上成为形塑整个改革路径、空间与界限的重要机制,并继续影响下一步改革的选择。 |
英文摘要: | This paper analyzes the relationship among the central government, local authorities and the peasants in Chinas rural land system reform from the perspective of mutual construction of actions under the framework of “empowerment and restriction of rights”.Such relationship is formed in the reform process of land management, administration and expropriation system.These reforms show dual characteristics of empowering and restricting rights, and contain a misplacement of the three concerned parties demand for policies.The central government encourages the peasants through constant reinforcement of their land contract rights, while maintainig restriction by sticking with the collective ownership of the rural land.At the same time, the central government motivates local authorities through empowerment and concessions, while trying to contrain their desire for profit.As for the peasants, they actively make use of the empowerment policy to expand their interests.At the same time, the peasants try to maintain the system of equal division of land by drawing support from the principles of restricting rights.Finally, by taking advantage of the empowerment policy and restricting the rights of peasants, local authorities seek commercial benefits of the land, and deprive the rights of the peasants.As a result, contradictions of needs for empowerment and restriction of rights arise among the three parties.Such complicated mutual construction of actions become an important mechanism through which the path, space and limitation of the reform are formed. |
作者: | 吴毅;陈颀; |
作者单位: | 华中科技大学社会学系暨中国乡村治理研究中心;华中科技大学国家治理研究院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2015.5:36-62 |
中图分类号: | |
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关键词: | 农地制度;赋权—限权;中央政府;地方—基层政府;农民行动互构; |
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项目基金: | 作者主持的2011年度国家社会科学基金重点项目“社会变迁视角下当代中国农地制度发展与改革研究”(11ASH002)、2014年度华中科技大学自主创新研究基金专项任务项目(人文社会科学)“社会变迁与当代中国农地制度改革研究”的成果 |
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