英文标题: | Review on A Preference of Son |
摘要: | 国内已有的对农民生育行为的研究在个体与结构或者微观与宏观之间存在着明显的断裂。布迪厄明确反对机械论的结构主义和目的论的个人主义,反对在结构与能动、系统与行动者、集合体与个人之间进行二者择一。正是由于这个原因,笔者选择布迪厄的实践社会学理论作为指导经验研究的框架。研究发现,尽管在过去的百年左右中国社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,部分地区的农民所经历的社会轨迹并没有发生多大的变化。由于可能性空间的限制,农民对男孩的偏好依然顽强地存留了下来。 |
英文摘要: | In this article we review the previous studies on preference of son in the mainland of China and find that there is a gap between macro- and micro-perspective or between structure and individual, for which the research methods employed by the researchers must take part of responsibilities.In order to understand the childbearing practice of Chinese people we draw much on P.Bourdieu, who tries hard to transcend the dichotomy of structure and individual, and conduct fieldwork in the concrete cultural context .We find that although in the last 100 years or so China , not only its urban areas but also its rural areas, has witnessed great changes in many aspects of life , in some villages the habitus of peasants, as far as childbearing practice is concerned , has changed little.It is because that the social trajectory of those people, which silently shapes and is shaped by the habitus, has been kept fairly intact even after going through so long a period of time. |
作者: | 王文卿,潘绥铭 |
作者单位: | 中国人民大学社会学系; 中国人民大学社会学系; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2005.6:165-193 |
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关键词: | 男孩偏好; 场域; 惯习; |
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