英文标题: | The Change of Labor Market Structure and Returns on Human Capital |
摘要: | 转型期我国教育收益率普遍提高,但其中的具体机制和过程如何,学界鲜有深入而详细的讨论。本研究结合具体的社会改革进程,从新结构主义视角探讨了劳动力市场的部门分割及其结构特征的变化,并以此解释了不同部门中人力资本收益模式发生变化的原因。国家规制性力量的作用、市场制度中的绩效原则以及与原有制度的路径依赖关系,共同决定了当前劳动力市场上的人力资本回报差异的基本格局。实证数据来自1996、2003年两次全国性社会调查,实证结果表明,各部门人力资本收益率的变化并不与市场化方向相一致,而是呈现出诸多社会转型期的非常态特征。人力资本收益率并非纯粹的市场化程度指标,它的变化还深刻地反映了转型期群体间利益关系的变化和重构。 |
英文摘要: | Scholars seldom explain the mechanism and process of the increasing educational returns during the period of market transition.In this article , the author discusses the relationship of labor market segmentation and returns on human capital from the view of New Structuralis, and owes the various patterns of human capital returns to the change of structural properties of labor market .The power of the central state, the principle of economic performance and institutional path-dependency codetermine the various patterns of returns on human capital in each labor market sector.Data analysis shows that the various patterns of returns on human capital are not consistent with the direction of marketization .That is to say , returns on human capitals rather imply the conflict among different interest groups than work as pure indictors of marketization . |
作者: | 刘精明; |
作者单位: | 中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2006.6:89-119 |
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关键词: | 劳动力市场; 部门分割; 人力资本收益率; |
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项目基金: | 中国人民大学社会学系和香港科技大学社会调查中“全国综合社会调查(CGSS2003)”对本研究给予了重要支持;国家社科基金项目“教育公平与社会分层研究”(05BSH013)的资助, |
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