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A Study on Migrant Workers' Permanent Migration Intentions

摘要: 在我国城乡户籍制度仍然存在的背景下,什么因素影响农民工选择城市户籍,做出永久迁移城市的决策,是本文研究的问题。研究发现,如果以是否愿意放弃土地作为行为性永久迁移意愿指标,那么影响农民工迁移意愿的主要原因是个体的迁移动力,相对集中在个体的人力资本和城市生活方式认同上,是一个基于经济理性的选择;如果以是否愿意将户口迁入打工城市作为制度性永久迁移意愿指标,那么影响农民工迁移意愿的主要原因则相对集中在地域性因素和制度合法性压力上,是农民工寻求制度保障来改变城市生活境遇的社会理性选择。在不同迁移意愿的人群中,个体迁移动力与制度合法性压力的作用是不一样的。

Based on research of the household registration sy stem , this article discusses what factors might affect migrant workers' decisions to choose city household registration and migrate to city permanently.We found that among different groups with different migration intentions, individual inclinations to move and institutional pressures work in different ways.If using willingness to give up land as the indicator for behavioral permanent migration intentions, then the main factors affecting migrant workers' intentions are individual inclinations to move , which mainly include individuals' human capitals and their inclination towards urban life style , so the choice is mainly based on economic rationality. If we use the willingness to change one' s household registration to the city where they are working as the indicator, then the main factors are mostly about localities and institutional pressures, which point to the social rationality underlying the migrant workers' pursuit for institutional protections to improve their living conditionsin the cities.


蔡禾; 王进;

作者单位: 中山大学政务学院社会学与社会工作系; 中山大学政务学院社会学与社会工作系;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2007.6:86-113
关键词: 迁移意愿; 制度性永久迁移; 行为性永久迁移; 个体迁移动力; 制度合法性压力;
项目基金: 2005年国家哲学社会科学重大招标课题“城市化进程中的农民工问题研究”(05&ZD034)的阶段性成果;中山大学二期985“公共管理与社会发展”哲学社会科学创新研究基地的资助。
