英文标题: | A Review on Psycho-socio-anthropo Economics of Akerlof |
摘要: | 很长时间以来,经济学理论的发展遵循着一套默认的"正统"假设。这套自成体系的假设规定着经济学的写作模式,为经济学模型提供合理化解释,同时,也使得对于其他假设可能性的思考一度成了经济学中的"禁忌"。作为信息经济学奠基人之一,2001年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者乔治.A.阿克洛夫(GeorgeA.Akerlof)以他著名的"柠檬原理"蜚声学界,但他却有着一个更高的学术梦想:根据凯恩斯《通论》的精神,创立心理—社会—人类经济学(psycho-socio-anthrop economics,简称PSA经济学),将社会学、人类学、心理学等其他社会学科的研究成果引入经济学模型中,探索经济学理论新假设的有趣结果。本文在介绍阿克洛夫主要学术作品的基础上,着重对PSA经济学中的社会学假设进行分析,并对PSA经济学的发展潜力以及由其引发的经济学和社会学关系的重新定位做出了思考。 |
英文摘要: | Economic theory has traditionally relied upon a tacit and “ classical” set of assumptions that have gradually acquired a life of their own in defining how economists write and how they justify economic models.In consequence , consideration of alternative assumptions has become taboo.Recognized as one of the founders of information economics, George A.Akerlof , the 2001 Nobel Price laureate in economics, who is famous in the academic community for his asymmetric information study , has a bigger dream to realize:the development psycho-socio-anthropo(PSA)economics in the original spirit of Keynes' general theory .Exploring the findings of other social sciences such as psychology , sociology and anthropology , Akerlof triesto break the taboo in economics and bring new assumptions into economic theory.This review has introduced some of Akerlof' s important works and analyzed sociological hypotheses in PSA economics.It has also aimed to show PSA economics' potential benefits for redefining the relation between economics and sociology. |
作者: | 胡倩影; |
作者单位: | 北京大学社会学系; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2007.5:207-232 |
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关键词: | 心理—社会—人类经济学(PSA经济学); 信息依赖; 社会习俗; 非自愿失业; |
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