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Market or Non-Market? An Empirical Analysis of the Main Causes of Income Inequalities in China Today




 In existent researches on mechanisms of the making of income inequalities in China since 1978there are two kinds of causal-attributing patterns. The first pattern ascribes income inequalities mainly or completely to the process of economic marketizationwhile the second one ascribes them mainly or completely to various non-market mechanisms. Based on eight nation-wide surveys of rural and urban households from 1989 to 2008this paper firstly applies methodologies of inequality 243 decomposition by groupings to analyze the causes of income inequalities during these 20 yearsand to test several assumptions in relation to important and relevant arguments popular in China. Thenin order to test a comprehensive hypothesis put forward in this paperthe paper use the Sharpley-Value decomposition approach based on semi-logarithmic linear regression to estimate the contributions of factors to the total income inequality. Putting the factors into a united model of decomposition the factors having important effects on income inequalities are found in the analysis of regression. Results of the analyses show that the causes of income inequalities are very complicated in Chinaamong which the mechanisms of economic marketization play main rolesmeanwhilethe structural-institutional factors irrelevant to the process of marketization also have important effects; and the contributions of other factors mix effects of marketization mechanisms and non-marketization mechanisms together.

作者: 陈光金 
作者单位: 中国社会科学院社会学研究所;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2010.6:86-115
中图分类号: F124.7
关键词: 市场化机制; 非市场化机制; 混合机制; 不平等指数; 不平等分解;
