英文标题: | China Studies: Possible stands and paradigm reconstruction |
摘要: | 中国研究导源于西方的历史,决定了在这一综合性的社会科学领域中,中国一开始必然是以“他者”的面貌出现的;围绕着这一立场形成的“冲击-回应”和“国家-社会”两种分析路径,不但都是将中国作为研究客体,而且都是建立在某种相互对立的二元分析结构之上的。在全球化的背景下,中国崛起带来的其自身地位的变化,以及从事中国研究的研究者的多元化,使得中国研究以中国为"他者"的单纯的客位立场开始改变,不仅作为客体之成员的中国学者产生了在中国研究中确立中国主体性的向往,而且非中国学者也希望既能够在中国研究中确立其本国的主体性,又能够通过自身的“他者化”而获得真正理解“他者”的能力。如此,中国研究中主客体的并置,以及不同主体之间获得某种共通性的可能,或许能够为当代中国研究的范式重构提供某种新的路径。 |
英文摘要: | Due to the fact that China studies originated in the West,China was inevitably characterized as “the other” from the beginning in the comprehensive domain of social sciences. On this stand two analytical models have appeared,namely the “impact- response” and the “state-society”,and both have China as the research object and use dichotomous interpretation framework. Against the background of globalization, thanks to the rise of China itself and the variety of its researchers,the etic stands adopted in previous China studies are beginning to give way. Not only Chinese scholars,who were once members of a nation as a research object,aspire to establish China’s subjectivity in its studies,but also non-Chinese scholars hope to mould their own nations’ subjectivity while studying China. Besides,the latter are seeking after real understanding of “the other” through “otherizing” themselves. Therefore,in China studies,the juxtaposition of subjects and objects,and the possible compatibility of different subjects,may provide new means of paradigm reconstruction for contemporary China studies. |
作者: | 周晓虹 |
作者单位: | 南京大学社会学院; 上海高校社会学E-研究院(上海大学); |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2010.2:1-29 |
中图分类号: | G322.0 |
文章编号: | |
关键词: | 中国研究; 客体-主体; 主客体并置; 主体间性; 范式重构; |
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项目基金: | 国家社会科学重大招标项目“国外社会建设理论的比较研究”(批准号05&ZD037)的阶段性成果之一 |
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