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英文标题: | Multilevel Analysis of Public Environmental Concern: Based on 2003 CGSS dataset |
摘要: | 现有研究更多关注公众的社会、经济特征(如性别、年龄及教育程度等)对环境关心的影响,而忽视所在社区宏观变量和环境关心的关系。本文试图通过运用二层线性模型对公众的环境关心进行个人层次和城市层次的分析。尽管多数环境关心的方差存在于个体的社会、经济特征中,但是我们发现仍然有5%的显著方差可以被城市层次的变量所解释。分析结果表明,在个人层次,年龄、收入、教育水平及性别和环境关心有显著关系;在城市层次,后物质主义价值观、城市类型及人均国民生产总值与环境关心无显著关系,但所在城市的第一产业比例和工业烟尘排放量与环境关心有相关关系:第一产业的比例越高,所在城市的平均环境关心水平就越低,而城市工业烟尘排放量越大,所在城市的平均环境关心值就越高。 |
英文摘要: | In the past several decades,many researchers focused on individual level determinants of environmental concern while neglected the effects of regional level factors on environmental concern. In this article,the authors try to apply a two-level hierarchical linear model to sort out the significant municipal level effects from the effects of individual characteristics. As expected,5% variance can be explained by municipal level factors. The findings indicate that income,age,education and gender are significantly associated with environmental concern on the individual level; at the municipal level,post-materialist value,city type and GDP per capita 244 are not significantly related to environmental concern,while primary industry output to GDP ratio and industrial soot emissions are significantly related to levels of environmental concern. The higher the primary industry output to GDP ratio,the lower the level of environmental concern; the more industrial soot emissions produced by the city,the higher the level of environmental concern. |
作者: | 洪大用; 卢春天 |
作者单位: | 中国人民大学社会学系; 上海高校社会学E-研究院; 密歇根州立大学社会学系 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2011.6:154-170 |
中图分类号: | X321 |
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关键词: | 环境关心; 多层分析; 后物质主义 |
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项目基金: | 国家社会科学基金2008年度重点项目“生态文明的环境社会学研究”(08ASH001);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地2007年度项目“建设环境友好型和资源节约型社会的社会学研究”(07JJD840197)的阶段性成果 |
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