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Does Social Mobility Contribute to Reduce the Inequality of Health?




There are two main theoretical points of view for explaining health inequalities causation explanation and health selective theory. The former emphasizes that social structural factors have determinative effects on health inequalities; howeverthe latter considers that whether people are healthful would be a screen mechanism for them to move up or down. In past researchesmany use longitudinal data to test these two pointswhile the present research uses Chinese General Social Survey (2005) to analyze the inequality of health status and explain it from the perspective of social mobility for lack of ideal data. This research agrees that the health inequality is the reproduction of social inequalityand social mobility was thought to be an important way to reduce the social inequality. So we develop two basic hypotheses for the relationship between social mobility and health inequalities. The first one is whether people happened to have social mobility would change their health leveland upward mobility would promote their health statusinstead for the opposite. The second one is that social mobility can reduce the health gradient of different stratum. The analysis finds thatthe directions and steps of social mobility have significant influence on peopleslevel of healthbut only long steps of social mobility can promote or restrain works. Generally speakingin the current background of Chinathe social causation theory has more power than health selective theory for explaining the health inequality. Social mobility has mixed effect in the production process of health inequalities and reduces it.



作者单位: 同济大学建筑学博士后流动站、同济大学政治与国际关系学院社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2011.2:78-101
中图分类号: R195
关键词: 社会地位 社会流动 社会不平等 健康不平等 健康梯度
项目基金: 教育部重大攻关项目“我国目前社会阶层状况研究(项目批准号:08JZD0024,主持人:复旦大学社会学系刘欣教授)”的资助
