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GrowthEmployment and Social Spending: Rethinking the conventional wisdom on social policy




There are hot debates on the relationship between economic growth and social policy Some conventional wisdom contends that social programs not only extract too many resources and distort market incentive mechanismsbut also undermine the work incentives of workers and harm employment Besidessocial spending is too rigid to control This article reviews the existing theoretical and empirical studies and reanalyzes the relationships among social policyeconomic growth and employment and furthermorethe controllability of social spending The author argues that social policy is not a short-sighted policybut has several positive externalities During the past three decades of high speed growthChina has been accumulating wealth and social conflicts simultaneously In order to achieve sustainable development and social stabilitypolicy makers should consider adding welfare as the third driver of socioeconomic developmentrather than relying on huge investment and instable external demand Through systematic construction of social protectionChina is expected to transform the rigidcoercive stability maintaining system into a resilient and humane stability maintaining system

作者: 刘军强
作者单位: 西南财经大学保险学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2012.2:126-148
中图分类号: C913
关键词: 经济发展 福利依赖 劳动力市场管制 福利刚性
项目基金: 彭华民教授主持的教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“中国适度普惠型社会福利理论与制度建构”的支持(项目编号:10JZD0033)
