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英文标题: | A Comparative Study on Trust in Government between Urban and Rural Residents |
摘要: | 以往有关政府信任的研究大都分别以城市居民或农民为研究对象而独立进行,缺乏对城乡居民的直接比较。本研究通过对全国六大地区的问卷调查,考察了当前城乡居民政府信任的现状和特点,并进一步从制度主义和文化主义的视角分析了影响城乡居民政府信任的各种因素。结果发现,当前城乡居民对政府的信任呈现出典型的“央强地弱”的差序性样态,但城市居民的政府信任度要低于农民的政府信任度,且城市居民比农民表现出了对基层政府更不信任的趋势。回归分析的结果表明,制度变量和文化变量对城乡居民政府信任都有较强的解释力,但制度变量对政府信任的影响更大。制度变量和文化变量对政府信任的影响表现出一定的城乡差异。最后,本文对已有关于城乡居民政府信任的结论提出了新的解释。 |
英文摘要: | Previous research on trust in government is mostly based on urban residents or rural residents separately, while comparative studies between them are still absent. Based on survey data in six regions of China, this paper examines the current status and characteristics of urban and rural residents' trust in government, and analyzes the influencing factors from the perspectives of institutionalism and rnulticulturalism. The results show that urban and rural residents' trust in government displays a differential mode of association that higher levels of government, particularly the central government,are more trustworthy than lower levels of government, but urban residents’ trust in government is lower than that of rural residents, especially for grass-roots government. The regression analysis of the data shows that both institutional variables and cultural variables have strong explanatory power for government trust of urban and rural residents, but institutional variables have more significant impact. The two kinds of variables exert different impacts on government trust between urban and rural residents. Finally, the paper proposes a new interpretation of the existing findings on trust in government of urban and rural residents. |
作者: | 高学德 翟学伟 |
作者单位: | 南京大学社会学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2013.2:1-27 |
中图分类号: | D630;C912 |
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关键词: | 政府信任 制度主义 文化主义 比较研究 城乡居民 |
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项目基金: | 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“我国社会信用制度研究”(09&ZD055)资助,为该项目的阶段性成果 |
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