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Revisiting the Negative Effects of Confucian Culture on Generalized Trust: A study based on 2007 Chinese spiritual life survey




Is the relationship between Confucian culture and generalized trust always negative? Cultural analysis and cross-society studies provide an affirmative answer. However, some unsolved issues encourage us to reexamine this research question on the individual level. By analyzing 2007 Chinese spiritual life survey data, the authors find: first, there is indeed certain relationship between Confucian culture and generalized trust, which, however, is contingent on the specific dimension of Confucian culture. If individuals emphasize Confucian teachings which enhance the differential mode of association, the relationship between Confucian culture and generalized trust is negative. However, if Confucian culture is treated as an identity, Chinese people would be more likely to constitute a community with the same value. In this case, Confucian culture is positively correlated with generalized trust. Besides, mediation test suggests that the negative correlation between Confucian culture enhancing the differential mode of association and generalized trust cannot be attributed to the specific trust in "zijiren" (insiders) .which means the trust in "zijiren" and the trust in "wairen" (outsiders) is not associated. This research corresponds to previous studies by Fukuyama and Redding, and our findings expand these classic studies

作者: 胡安宁 周怡
作者单位: 复旦大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2013.2:28-54
中图分类号: B222;C912.6
关键词: 儒家文化 一般信任 差序格局 身份认同;
项目基金: 国家社科基金重大项目《现代社会信任模式与机制研究》(项目编号:11&ZD149)的阶段性成果
