英文标题: | Bringing Education to the Countryside: The educational governance of a town |
摘要: | 为完成国家的“普九”任务,地方政府自上而下地推动教育普及运动。本文以云南芒市一个乡镇实施“控辍保学、三级联动”责任制为中心,考察地方政府是如何对辍学、失学、逃学问题展开治理的,这一治理又产生了什么样的后果。本文认为,学校教育中现代知识与地方知识处于断裂状态,导致傣族学生学业上的困境,进而产生辍学、失学、逃学问题。地方政府无力调整学校中的知识体制,却要承担“普九”不达标的责任。通过目标责任制与运动式治理相结合的方式,乡镇政权、学校、村落、家庭之间形成严密的教育治理网络。由政府推动的外部治理与学校的内部治理相互强化,治理技术越来越复杂和精细,辍学问题却并不能解决,反而浪费了大量治理成本,产生了内卷化的难题。 |
英文摘要: | In order to complete the task of nine-year compulsory education, local governments promote universal education movement. Taking a town's effort in exerting "governing dropout in three linkage responsibility system" as an example, this paper focuses on the process and consequence of educational governance. The author argues that the break between modern knowledge and local knowledge in school education leads to the academic difficulties of Dai students and the problems of dropout. A network of educational governance among the township government, the school, the village and the family is established by combining the target-oriented responsibility system and the campaign-style governance. The outside governance by the government and the inside governance of the school reinforce with each other, and the governance technology becomes more and more complicated and sophisticated. Although the governance cost is quite high, this governance system hasn't solved the dropout problem, which leads to the involution of educational governance. |
作者: | 沈洪成 |
作者单位: | 河海大学社会学系 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2014.2:90-115 |
中图分类号: | G521 |
文章编号: | |
关键词: | 辍学 教育治理 目标责任制 运动式治理 内卷化 |
英文关键词: | |
项目基金: | 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题(项目编号:1JJD840013);河海大学中央高校基本科研业务费(项目编号:2013B00114) |
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