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The Intergenerational Relationship under Population Ageing: Analysis on the changes in filial piety in Taiwan society from 1994 to 2011




Using the Dual Filial Piety (namely reciprocal and authoritarian filial piety) Model as the theoretical basis, this study investigated the changing trends of the dual filial piety in Taiwan from 1994 to 2011 and then interpreted its implication from the perspective of the transformation of intergenerational relationships within the context of population ageing. In order to examine the time effect with repeated cross-sectional data in a more rigorous way, we conducted an age-period-cohort analysis with cross-classified random-effect model (or the so-called hierarchical age-period- cohort model, HAPC model) which allows distinguishing the relative contributions of the temporal dimensions of age, time period, and birth cohort to the variance in social phenomena. Results indicated: ( I) The importance of both reciprocal and authoritarian filial piety has increased steadily during 1994 to 2011; (2) HAPC models demonstrated that the changes in the dual filial piety were both due to time period changes rather than birth cohort; (3) The age effect was only significant for authoritarian filial piety. Finally, the implications of the rising trends in the dual filial piety in Taiwan and the connections between the time period effects and some macro social trends (such as population ageing) were discussed.

作者: 曹惟纯 叶光辉
作者单位: 台湾"中央研究院"民族学研究所;台湾"中央研究院"民族学研究所、台湾大学心理学系及研究所
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2014.2:116-144
中图分类号: B823
关键词: 孝道双元模型 社会变迁 代间关系
