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英文标题: | A New Mode of Labor Time Control and Fake Experience of Freedom ——A Study on the Labor Process of Take-out Platform Riders |
摘要: | 本文是对外卖行业中骑手的劳动过程所进行的一项田野研究。与传统的工厂劳动时间不同,外卖平台依据行业特性设置了新的时间规则,建构了新型劳动时间控制模式。平台通过为劳动者营造灵活的工作时间和宽松的工作场域吸引向往自由的劳动者加入,但却在技术手段的辅助下,以时间为单位和节点,对骑手的劳动过程实施了严密而细致的记录和监控,形成平台和消费者等多元的控制主体。同时,平台通过抢单和等单的工作机制控制骑手潜在的经验、思想和感受,塑造“准时”“快速”的劳动时间感,引导骑手甘愿成为“全天候工人”,并在劳动时间内主动地工作。最终,骑手在追求自由的过程中被平台束缚,无奈而主动地配合到时间控制中,平台则以自由之名获得并掩饰了利润。 |
英文摘要: | This paper is based on fieldwork on the labor process of take-out platform riders. Different from the time control of traditional factory labor, the take-out platform sets new time rules and constructs a new mode of labor time control in accordance with the industry’s features. By creating flexible working time and a relaxed work environment for workers, platform attract workers who want to have freedom at work. However, with the assistance of technologies, the labor process of take-out platform riders is strictly recorded and monitored, so that the platform and consumers can exercise control over the labor process of the riders. At the same time, the assignment mechanism, such as “order grab”, can shape the riders’ potential experience, thoughts and feelings, construct a sense of timely and fast labor, and guide the riders to “voluntarily” become diligent laborers working around the clock. As a result, the riders end up cooperating with the time control, while the platform acquires and disguises the pursuit of profit in the name of freedom. |
作者: | 李胜蓝、江立华 |
作者单位: | 华中师范大学社会学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2020.6: |
中图分类号: | |
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关键词: | 劳动时间;自由;骑手;劳动过程 |
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项目基金: | 本文系研究阐释党的十九大精神国家社会科学基金专项课题“新型城镇化背景下加快农业转移人口市民化研究”(18VSJ065)的阶段性成果。 |
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