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英文标题: | Identity and Participation:On the Participation Logic of Urban Community Residents’ Public Cultural Life |
摘要: | 本文通过对居民在参与行动中由集体记忆产生群体认同、在获取社会报酬中实现角色认同、于自我价值重建中重拾个人认同过程的深描,阐释了基于认同的三种持久参与逻辑。研究发现,认同在公共文化生活中的生产与再生产是推动居民持续参与的重要动力机制,这种认同性参与的持续产生是以居民对多维认同的追寻和实践为重要动因,以认同和参与在公共文化生活中的循环互构为重要特征的,而推动认同与参与之间互构的关键力量是个体的自我价值实现。这种基于认同的持久参与模式具有一般意义,它不仅作用于公共文化生活,而且可以普及到现代社会其他公共生活中,为各类居民通过参与公共活动建构群体归属感、追寻自我实现开辟了途径。 |
英文摘要: | Motivating residents continuous participation is key to the governance of public cultural service. Through describing the identity process of the residents participation action, this paper explains three kinds of logic for continuous participation based on the following identities: a social identity generated by collective memory, a role identity achieved in the acquisition of social rewards, and a self-identity revived in the reconstruction of self-value. Identity is an important driving force to promote the residents continuous participation in the production and reproduction of public cultural life. The mutual construction of identity and participation, driven by the realization of individual’s self-value, are important features of the residents continuous participation. Therefore, service should aim to build the multi-dimensional identities of the residents, helping them to realize self-value. Continuous participation based on identity plays a role in public cultural life, and can be used in other domains of public life in modern society. Moreover, it helps residents to construct a sense of belonging and pursue self realization through participation in public activities. |
作者: | 颜玉凡、叶南客 |
作者单位: | 河海大学马克思主义学院(颜玉凡);南京大学历史学院、南京市社会科学院(叶南客) |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2019.2:147-170 |
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关键词: | 认同性参与逻辑;集体记忆;社会报酬;自我价值;持久性参与机制 |
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项目基金: | 本文是国家社会科学基金青年项目“大都市社区文化协同治理的创新机理与居民主动性参与机制研究”(17CSH008)的阶段性成果。 |
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