您当前的位置:首页 >> 期刊目录 >> 2000 年 6 期
英文标题: | |
摘要: | 无 |
英文摘要: | In this paper, the author tries to develop a framew ork of analysis about
dimensions of game status from the conception of power .In this framework we can analyze
the players' g ame status and then their social status according to the nature , extent
and range of dimensions of the game status they can operate .This study also analyzes the
effect of technology in tw o sides :the possession of technology and the operation of technology
.Combining theoretical explanation of the slaves' redeeming themselves and the
destruction of the slavery , the paper expands its theoretical model:the relationship between
the possessio n of technology , operation of technology and the game status.After
accounting the effect from the operation of technology , I analy ze some cases mainly in
o rder to clarify the relationship betw een game status and the possession of technology in
an active form , and make clear how the possession of technology affected the technological
or researching org anization .Then , from this visual angle , I try to set forth w hat
structure of organization would benefit fo r the development of technology .Finally , the
study probes into how to look on the effects of the technology on today' s China if we
expanded the range of its object to all of the labo rs of China. |
作者: | 王水雄 |
作者单位: | 北京大学社会学系九八级!硕士生; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2000.6:66-75 |
中图分类号: | |
文章编号: | |
关键词: | 倪光南; 研究机构; 可替代性; 资本所有者; 产权界定; 内部研发; 企业化管理; 边际生产率; 丹尼尔·贝尔; 布劳; |
英文关键词: | |
项目基金: | |
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