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英文标题: | Grassroots Mobilization: Exploring a new model of state governance |
摘要: | 在国家治理体系中,行政机构是治理的核心主体,但是,由于缺乏有效的监督机制,地方政府在执行中央政策时会出现偏差,从而影响到社会问题的治理绩效。本文提倡以草根动员作为国家治理的补充机制,以克服治理中的地方主义难题。底层民众发起的草根动员之所以能够提高治理的绩效,是因为集体行动能够在地方政府与社会之间建立起一种横向责任关系,给地方政府制造外部压力,从而迫使这些代理机构在政策执行时减少失误与懈怠。运用社会运动理论,本文将草根动员进行模式化,并通过一项农村的环境运动加以说明。案例研究发现,只要草根动员具备了一定的政治和社会条件,就有可能以理性与和平的方式推进基层社会的治理,使之成为国家治理体系的一个重要的组成部分。 |
英文摘要: | The administrative departments are the major components of state governance system, but the local governments implementation has been remaining low performance due to lack of effective supervision. This paper argues that grassroots mobilization is a supplementary mechanism of governance in order to overcome the dilemma of localism. The reason that mobilization from below could improve governance performance lies in that collective action could establish a horizontal accountability between local state and society. Such accountability could impose outside pressure on local agencies so that they implement policies better. By means of social movement theory, this paper tries to model grassroots mobilization and testify it by an environmental movement in rural area. This case study concludes that grassroots mobilization could operate in rational and peaceful manners to resolve social problems and develop into one part of state governance system as long as they happen under available conditions including politics and society. |
作者: | 谢岳 党东升 |
作者单位: | 同济大学政治与国际关系学院、 同济大学城市治理研究中心;同济大学政治与国际关系学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2015.3:1-22 |
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关键词: | 草根动员 国家治理 社会运动 |
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项目基金: | 全国哲学社会科学规划办公室重点项目的资助(13AZD019) |
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