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英文标题: | Five Views of the Digital in a Sociological Perspective |
摘要: | “数字”概念已经成为社会发展的关键词,但其所指是模糊和混乱的,其意义维度局限于技术条件和工具。本文区分了五种数字观:技术数字、价值数字、行动数字、文化数字和规范数字,对“数字”的内涵进行了社会学解读。“数字”可以作为数字社会的物质基础、符号性的价值表征、协调行动的社会装置、流动的文化情境和规范性的社会要求。区分五种数字观有助于避免技术逻辑的本质主义立场,支持在数字社会中捕捉开放的社会逻辑。本文为深化数字研究提供了必要基础,同时强调了构建数字观念体系的重要意义及其可能路径。 |
英文摘要: | The concept of "digital" has become a key word in social development, but its reference is ambiguous and confusing, and its meaning is limited to technical conditions and tools. This paper distinguishes five views of the digital: technical digital, value digital, action digital, cultural digital and normative digital, and provides a sociological interpretation of the connotation of "digital". "Digital” can be used as a material basis for digital society, a symbolic value representation, a social mechanism for coordinating action, a fluid cultural context, and a set of normative social demands. Distinguishing five views of the digital helps to avoid the essentialist position of technological logic in favor of capturing an open social logic in the digital society. This article provides the necessary foundation for deepening digital studies while encouraging the idea of constructing a system of digital concepts. |
作者: | 刘雨婷 |
作者单位: | 华东师范大学社会发展学院、法国里昂高等师范学院三角实验室 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2023.4: |
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关键词: | 数字社会;数字社会学;数字观;文化数字;规范数字 |
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项目基金: | 本文是国家社会科学基金重大项目“新形势下我国社会发展面临的不确定性及其应对机制研究”(22&ZD183)、国家社会科学基金重点项目“不确定性研究的社会学转向及其体系建构”(22ASH002)的阶段性成果。感谢中法社会与科学联合研究院(JoRISS)和华东师范大学“优秀博士生学术创新能力提升计划”项目(YBNLTS2023-037)的支持。 |
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