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英文标题: | Social Spaces: From Georg Simmel to Erving Goffman |
摘要: | 本文从齐美尔、帕克、戈夫曼三位社会学家笔下的社会空间入手,对芝加哥学派的理论传统中关于社会空间的经典论述进行分析和梳理。对于齐美尔和芝加哥学派而言,社会空间的存在基础是行为主体之间的社会互动,而社会实体和结构都是从这些互动过程中产生的。这个理论传统强调物理空间与社会空间的相互依赖性,对于社会空间的假设具有内生性、时间性两个重要特征,并注重空间与人类情感的关联。 |
英文摘要: | This article examines the Chicago school of sociology's approach to social spaces through the writings of George Simmel, Robert E. Park, and Erving Goffman. For Simmel and the Chicago school, social spaces exist on the basis of social interaction between actors, and social entities and structures are produced in those interactions. This theoretical tradition emphasizes the interdependence between physical and social spaces and has two important characteristics: endogeneity and temporality. It also highlights the connection between spaces and human emotions. |
作者: | 刘思达 |
作者单位: | 香港大学法律学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2023.4: |
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关键词: | 社会空间;芝加哥学派;齐美尔;帕克;戈夫曼 |
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