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英文标题: Broken Ladder: Stratification of Higher Education and Inequality of Opportunity in Labor Market in South Korea
摘要: 韩国的高等教育扩张加重了高校的垂直分层与文凭通胀,又与其贫富分化和经济衰退相叠加,导致非名校生遭遇就业极难的窘境。本文通过探究韩国大学毕业生的求职经历,透视高校分层如何作用于职业分层。在韩国,就业市场看似倚重人力资本,实则看重的是与家庭和大学相关的文化特质。名校以符号资本和制度性社会资本对毕业生给予就业支持。在圈子文化和学阀观念的作用下,精英职位为名校毕业生所垄断,将普通高校毕业生排斥在外,加剧了韩国就业市场的不平等。
英文摘要: The rapid expansion of higher education not only entrenches hierarchical and competitive structure of higher education, but also increases credential inflation in South Korea. This, together with widening gaps in incomes and wealth and economic recession, has compounded unemployment and underemployment for non-elite university graduates. This paper draws on the job-seeking experiences of Korean graduates from universities of varying rankings, revealing how the vision of institutional differentiation in the job market conceals the social division, which makes the recruitment seemingly technical but de facto cultural. The monopoly of elite universities by the elite groups is translated into the monopoly of elite jobs by the graduates from elite universities, mediated by valued cultural capital as well as institutional symbolic and social capital in general, academic cliques in particular This exacerbates inequalities in the labor market.
作者: 李荷、郑印皙
作者单位: 中国人民大学社会与人口学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2022.3:
关键词: 高校分层;文凭主义;制度性社会资本;就业机会不平等

