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英文标题: Research of Retaking the College Entrance Examination and Inequality of the Higher Education Attainment in China
摘要: 高考复读制度在高等教育资源分配过程中扮演了重要角色。本文采用“中国大学生追踪调查”数据,考察复读与高等教育获得的关系。研究发现,在大学生中,弱势阶层子女通过复读考入大学的发生比高于优势阶层子女,且通过复读进入普通大学的发生比在上升。在考上大学的复读生中,优势阶层子女进入重点大学的发生比更高。在大学生中,考入重点大学的复读生的阶层差异小于考入重点大学的应届生的阶层差异。复读制度对我国高等教育不平等格局的塑造值得我们进一步思考和关注。
英文摘要: The system of retaking CEE plays an important role in higher education attainment. Using data from Panel Study of Chinese University Students(PSCUS),this paper examines the relationship between retaking CEE and attaining higher education The study finds that among college students,the disadvantaged class is more likely to enter college through retaking CEE than the advantaged class,and the odds of entering regular college through retaking CEE is increasing.Among students who took the college entrance exam more than once,the advantaged class has a higher odd of entering a key university.The class difference of students who entered key universities through retaking CEE is smaller than that of students who have taken college entrance exam only once.The way the system of retaking CEE has shaped the pattern of inequality in Chinese higher education deserves further reflection and attention. 
作者: 叶锦涛
作者单位: 中国人民大学社会学系、社会学理论与方法研究中心
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2022.2:
关键词: 复读;高等教育获得;重点大学;阶层不平等
项目基金: 本文系中国人民大学2021年度拔尖创新人才培育资助计划成果。
