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英文标题: Multiple Embeddedness:A Comparison of Transnational Labor Cooperative Networks in China and Japan,Singapore,South Korea
摘要: 本文比较中日、中新、中韩三个劳务合作网络对跨国劳工雇佣的复杂作用。研究发现,在信息不充分的困境下,境外企业雇主和境内外劳务公司组成的企业网与劳务中介人和出国务工者组成的个人网连为一体,建构出多层信息传递与互相担保关系,国家、雇主、劳务中介和出国劳工多方行动者的复杂要求由此得以实现。跨国劳务合作网络比较分析指出了嵌入的多样性和复合性,也凸显出劳工全球流动的“社会组织型”运作。
英文摘要: This paper compares the complex role of three labor cooperation networks on cross-border labor employment in China-Japan,China-Singapore,and China-Korea.The study finds that the complex requirements of multiple actors,including the state,employers,labor intermediaries,and workers abroad,are realized under the dilemma of inadequate information through a network of firms consisting of employers and domestic and foreign labor companies,and a network of individuals consisting of labor intermediaries and workers abroad,which construct multiple layers of information transfer and mutual guarantee relationships.The comparative analysis of transnational labor cooperation networks points to the diversity and composite nature of the embedding,which also highlights the“socially organized”functioning of global labor mobility.
作者: 黎熙元、刘兴花
作者单位: 中山大学粤港澳发展研究院、社会学与人类学学院(黎熙元);华中科技大学马克思主义学院(刘兴花)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2022.2:
关键词: 嵌入性;社会网络;跨国雇佣关系;中外劳务合作
项目基金: 本研究受国家社会科学基金重大项目(20ZDA095)和国家社会科学基金青年项目(21CSH081)资助。
