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英文标题: Coping with Diverse Uncertain Risks: A Study on the Doctor-Patient Trust in a Children’s Center for Blood Diseases in China
摘要: 基于儿童血液病病房的参与观察发现,医患双方都基于自身立场去努力应对医疗过程中的多重不确定性。患方通过感知医方能否提供恰当医疗行为、积极履行代理责任和提供信息支持来确定其是否可信,医方则通过患方的治疗依从性来判定其是否可信。由于风险因素众多且已渗透整个医疗场域,医患冲突已成为现代风险社会的普遍场景,无法根除或回避。尽管如此,分析信任缔结与演变过程中的积极因素,仍可为纾解医患矛盾提供更为积极的想象力。
英文摘要: This participant observation study on inpatients in a children’s center for blood diseases in China discovered that both doctors and patients/their agents endeavored to reduce treatment uncertainty construed from their own perspectives. Patients determine whether a doctor is credible by perceiving whether the doctor can provide appropriate medical behavior, active agency responsibilities, and information support; and the doctor determines his or her trustworthiness by the patient’s compliance with treatment. Due to the numerous risk factors and the penetration of the entire medical field, doctor-patient conflict has become a common scenario in modern risk society and cannot be eradicated or avoided. However, analyzing the positive factors in the process of trust formation and evolution can still provide a more positive imagination for the resolution of doctor-patient conflicts.
作者: 吕小康、王丛、汪新建、郭琴
作者单位: 南开大学周恩来政府管理学院(吕小康);天津商业大学法学院(王丛);福州大学人文社会科学学院(汪新建);广东省人事考试局(郭琴)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.6:
关键词: 风险社会;不确定性;现代性;医患信任;医患关系
项目基金: 本研究得到教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目“医患信任关系建设的社会心理机制研究”(15JZD030)和教育部人文社科基金青年项目“医患共同体建设的社会协同机制研究”(19YJC840030)的支持。
