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英文标题: Strategies for Raising Research Questions in Analytical Qualitative Sociology
摘要: 差异性发问在质性社会学中非常重要,但却很少有学者针对这一发问方法展开过系统讨论。本文总结了优质的差异性发问的六个要素:(1)发问包含的信息量大;(2)对差异性有合适的测量;(3)对导致差异的原因有因果关系假说及替代假说;(4)发问的背后不能有不能成立的隐含假设;(5)发问的答案不能过于明显或发散;(6)研究的案例在经验或理论上具有重要性。本文通过具体的例子分析了在发问过程中容易发生的一些错误,并说明如何让自己的发问满足这些要素。
英文摘要: Raising research questions based on variations is vital for analytical qualitative sociology. Yet, few scholars have dealt with issues entailed in this practice in a systematic manner. This article suggests that a sound practice of raising variation-based research questions must follow six guidelines:(1) Research questions should contain a large amount of information;(2) Variations in the research questions should be properly measured;(3) There exist a causal explanation and its alternative explanations to the research questions; (4) The cases studied should have empirical and/or theoretical significance;(5) There are no unattainable hidden assumptions behind the research questions;(6) The potential explanation to the research questions should not be too self-evident or too scattered. This article offers examples to illustrate some of the common pitfalls and useful strategies in this research practice.
作者: 赵鼎新
作者单位: 浙江大学社会学系、芝加哥大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.5:
关键词: 差异性发问;过程性发问;因果关系;结构/机制解释
