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英文标题: Digital Platform, Industry Reorganization and Group Livelihood:A Case Study of the Change of Trucks-Goods Matching Mode
摘要: 本文通过公路货运市场车货匹配模式的变迁,考察了数字平台如何对传统行业生产组织方式进行重构。基于车货匹配平台的桥接型匹配使交易从熟人交易转向陌生交易,从议价模式转向竞价模式。探底竞价和较高的交易风险使相关主体的处境遭遇恶化。基于无车承运平台的整合型匹配则通过卡车司机的再组织和熟人交易的再建构表现出一定的赋能作用。平台对货运市场的重塑表明,数字技术虽然具有颠覆传统行业组织方式的强大力量,但是技术作用的方向和力度仍然受到产业政策、政府监管以及行动者抗争等因素的制约。
英文摘要: This article examines how digital platforms have reconfigured the way production is organized in traditional industries through changes in the trucks-goods matching model in the road freight market. The bridging matching shifts the transaction from acquaintance-based to unfamiliar transaction, and from a bargaining mode to a bidding mode. “The race to the bottom” in bidding and higher trading risks brought out by this change have worsened the situation of the relevant entities. Differently, the integrated matching shows certain empowering effects through the reorganization of truck-drivers and the reconstruction of acquaintance transactions. The platform’s reshaping of the freight market shows that although digital technology has the power to disrupt traditional ways of organizing industries, the direction and strength of technology is still constrained by industrial policy, government regulation, and the resistance of actors.
作者: 周潇
作者单位: 中国劳动关系学院劳动关系与人力资源学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.5:
关键词: 数字平台;匹配;技术;生产组织方式;卡车司机
项目基金: 本文为国家社会科学基金一般项目“技术变迁与卡车司机的工作重塑研究”(20BSH117)阶段性成果。
