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英文标题: Birth Order and Gender Differences in the Division of Elderly Support within Chinese Family in the Process of Individualization
摘要: 家庭养老是家庭关系和家庭功能的具体体现。在多子女家庭内部,同胞之间的养老责任分工是在外部环境制约下,家庭内部个体之间出于不同的身份认同、利益需求和情感关系进行协商的结果。本研究基于2018年中国老年社会追踪调查数据,讨论了多子女家庭中子女养老支持的性别和排行分工,以此展现当前我国家庭多元复杂的代际关系模式。研究表明,不同结构类型的家庭内部养老分工的模式不同。在子女数量较少或性别一致时,子女之间责任均摊;在子女数量较多且性别不一致时,老大、女儿会给予父母更多的经济支持,老小、儿子会给予父母更多的家务支持。多子女家庭中个体间利益、情感、责任的冲突碰撞表现得更为复杂,呈现出传统性与现代性并存的代际关系伦理与代际团结模式。
英文摘要: Using data from 2018 China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey, we investigated birth order and gender differences in the division of elderly support within Chinese Family in the process of individualization. While the responsibility was almost equally shared in families with children who only have same-sex siblings, there were still gender and birth order effects in families with more than three children with different sexes. Daughters tended to provide financial support while sons tended to provide support to housework. The oldest child was more likely to provide financial support, while the youngest child was more likely to provide support in housework. In these families, the conflict of interests, emotions, rationality, and responsibilities among individuals is more complex, presenting an ethic of intergenerational relations and intergenerational solidarity that incorporates both tradition and modernity, and at the same time is distinctly different from both traditional Chinese and Western societies.
作者: 陶涛、刘雯莉、李婷
作者单位: 中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心、北京社会建设研究院(陶涛、李婷);中国人民大学社会与人口学院(刘雯莉)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.5:
关键词: 养老分工;经济支持;家务支持;子女排行;子女性别
项目基金: 本文系霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金项目“中国人口负增长全要素预测与政策应对”(171081)的阶段性研究成果;研究过程受到中国人民大学科学研究基金中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(14XNI003)的资助。
