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英文标题: Acquaintance Society, External Market and Imitation Plus Innovation in Rural E-Commerce Entrepreneurship
摘要: 数字技术变革为乡村发展带来新契机,乡村电商创业成为乡村振兴和数字乡村建设的新现象。本文通过对山东省菏泽市多次实地调查数据的分析发现:乡村电商创业兴盛是可见结果,在国家政策和支农惠农项目普惠的前提下,影响结果的一个因素是电商经营模仿与创新的持续和深化,在产品研发、生产、销售中,熟人社会为模仿与创新提供社会正当性,是必要条件;线上市场为模仿与创新提供巨量市场和资源,是充分条件;乡村能人则是点燃模仿与创新燎原之势的星星之火,是充要条件。三者组合,缺一不可。为检验结论的稳健性,本文运用仿真实验方法,对“熟人社会—线上市场—能人触发”模式进行了模拟检验,获得了与实证分析一致的结果。
英文摘要: The digital technology revolution brings new opportunities for rural development, and rural e-commerce entrepreneurship has become a new phenomenon of rural revitalization and rural digital construction. Through the analysis of data collected from Heze City, Shandong Province, we found that the prosperity of rural e-commerce entrepreneurship is a visible result. Under the premise of national policies and projects supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers, one of the factors affecting the results is the persistence and deepening of e-commerce business imitation plus innovation. In product research and development, production and marketing, the acquaintance society provides social legitimacy for imitation plus innovation, which is a necessary condition. The online market provides huge market and resources for imitation plus innovation, which is a sufficient condition. Rural talent is the spark that ignites imitation plus innovation, which is a necessary and sufficient condition. The three conditions need to be combined. In order to test the robustness of the conclusions, this paper also uses simulation experiment method to test the “acquaintance society-online market-able person trigger” model, and the results are consistent with the empirical analysis.
作者: 邱泽奇、黄诗曼
作者单位: 北京大学中国社会与发展研究中心、北京大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.4:
关键词: 模仿与创新;熟人社会;线上市场;能人引领;仿真实验

