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英文标题: The Formation of the Labor Tradition of the Working Class in China after 1949: The Mining Machinery Factory of Luoyang
摘要: 本文通过对洛阳矿山机器厂59名员工的口述史访谈,从制度规训和意义感的锻造两个共时态维度呈现了新中国工人阶级劳动传统的形塑过程。在第一个维度上,我们以班前会为例,讨论了促进工人对现代工业生产秩序和劳动纪律的认知与服膺的方式;在第二个维度上,我们通过对社会动员技术的分析,铺陈了锻造工人阶级劳动意义感的精神路径。由此,我们进一步从历时态维度讨论了以“焦裕禄精神”为核心的“洛矿精神”的传承与接续,指出这一劳动伦理的养成不仅是国家—单位间自上而下的推动过程,也是个体劳动者通过代际和师徒等后亲缘传承方式实现的价值系统的传递,是国家权力、企业管理者与工人群体三方整合与互动的产物。
英文摘要: Based on oral history interviews with 59 employees and managers of the Mining Machinery Factory of Luoyang, the paper explores the development of the labor tradition of the working class in Chinese industrial manufacturing after 1949. The paper focuses on institutional discipline at the workplace and the method of forging a sense of meaning for the worker. We use the daily pre-shift staff meeting to examine how the factory promote workers’ awareness and acceptance of modern industrial production and labor discipline. We explore the use of social mobilization techniques to foster a sense of collectivism among the working class. The article further discusses the inheritance of “the Spirit of Luokuang” with “the Model Jiao Yulu”. We argue that the practices at the Luoyang Mining Machinery Factory were and continue to be not only a top-down promotion process at the enterprise level in response to the call of the state, but also the transmission of a value system consciously carried out by individuals through intergeneration and apprenticeship, which we call “post-traditional family cultural inheritance of labor”. Indeed, it is the product of a tripartite interaction between the state power, factory managers and the working class.
作者: 常江潇、周晓虹
作者单位: 南京大学社会学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.4:
关键词: 工人阶级;劳动传统;制度规训;意义感锻造;后亲缘传承

