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英文标题: Division and Connection: The History of Chinese Social Thought and the History of Communist Party of China’s Social Thought
摘要: 加强对作为当代中国社会思想起点和重心的中共社会思想史的研究,是拓展中国社会思想史研究的内在学术需求和回应当代中国社会发展实际的客观现实需求。开展中共社会思想史研究,有必要在吸收和借鉴中国社会思想史研究积累的丰富资源的基础上,从中共社会思想与当代中国社会之间相互形塑的总体性特征出发,围绕社会主义社会的构建、运行与秩序这一主线,将其发展流变置于古今中外的时空方位中进行诠释,以推动中国社会思想史与中共社会思想史的贯通和发展,进而为构建有中国特色的社会思想史学科体系、学术体系、话语体系提供理论支撑。
英文摘要: Strengthening the research on the social thought of the Communist Party of China (CPC), as the starting point and focus of contemporary Chinese social thought, is the internal academic demand to expand the research on the history of Chinese social thought and the objective demand to respond to the actual development of contemporary Chinese society. In order to carry out the research on the history of the CPC’s social thought, it is necessary to start from the overall characteristics of the mutual shaping between it and the contemporary Chinese society on the basis of absorbing and learning from the rich research resources accumulated by the research on the history of the Chinese social thought. Then take the construction, operation and order of socialist society as the thread. Interpreting its development and change with the interplay of the ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign space-time position can promote the connection and development between the history of Chinese social thought and the history of CPC’s social thought. Furthermore, it will provide theoretical support for the construction of the discipline system, academic system and discourse system of social thought history with Chinese characteristics.
作者: 宋学勤、李青青
作者单位: 中国人民大学马克思主义学院、北京市高校思想政治理论课高精尖创新中心(宋学勤);中国人民大学马克思主义学院(李青青)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.4:
关键词: 中国社会思想史;社会思想;中国共产党社会思想史;社会主义社会

