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英文标题: State Capacity in Understanding Industrial Activities: A Comparative Study Based on China’s Railway Locomotive and Automobile Industries
摘要: 本文采用信息的视角来剖析“国家工业理解能力”,即国家通过特定结构从工业中获取信息,进而建构其理解工业活动的能力。这一能力为国家发展有效的产业政策提供了知识基础。国家在特定产业中的管理结构是否能长期存续、是否能实现对工业功能的有效覆盖是该问题的关键。本文通过比较1949-2005年的中国铁路机车和汽车产业对以上观点进行了检验,由此把人们对国家能力的关注从政策制定与执行前移至政策决策的信息基础,为相关研究提供新的视角。
英文摘要: This article adopts an information perspective to develop the definition of the “state capacity for understanding industry”, i.e., the capacity of the state to construct its understanding of industrial activity by drawing information from industry through specific structures. This capacity provides the knowledge base for the state to develop effective national policies. The long-term viability of the state’s administrative structures in a given industry and its ability to achieve effective coverage of industrial functions are key to this question. This article examines its argument by comparing the Chinese railway locomotive and automobile industries during 1949-2005. Thereby this article traces the focus on state capacity from policy formulation and implementation to the information base of policy decisions, and offers a new perspective for related research.
作者: 封凯栋、姜子莹、赵亭亭
作者单位: 北京大学政府管理学院(封凯栋、姜子莹);河北经贸大学公共管理学院(赵亭亭)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.3:
关键词: 国家工业理解能力;国家工业管理结构;铁路机车产业;汽车产业;技术标准
项目基金: 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“新型创新载体效率优势及其制度化整合机制研究”(项目编号:71673012)。
