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英文标题: Control and Legitimacy:Understanding the Logic and Mechanism of Party Branch Building in Chinese Private Enterprises
摘要: 为更好发挥非公经济的作用,党和政府近年来大力推进私营企业党建工作。本研究表明,私营企业党组织建设是控制逻辑和合法化逻辑共同作用的结果。个人决策企业与家族企业强调内部控制,建立党组织概率更低,而对政府资源依赖性更高的企业更可能成立党组织。在合法化逻辑下,私营企业的党组织覆盖率不断增加,不同企业之间的差异逐渐缩小。这种趋同的结果既是因为国家的有力推动,也是因为私营企业主的认知框架经过形塑后的主动改变和模仿。
英文摘要: In order to further strengthen the function of non-public economy, the Party and the state have worked hard to build party branches within the private sector over the last decade. Our analysis suggests that there are mainly two mechanisms driving private enterprises’ engagement of party branch building. First, driven by the control logic, enterprises with a single decision-maker or family enterprises normally value internal control, thus are less likely to build party branches; those who depend more heavily on government resources are more likely to build party branches. Second, under the logic of legitimacy, with the increasing dissemination of party branches, enterprises gradually become more similar with each other. This organizational isomorphism is a result of vigorous push from the state, as well as a reshaped cognitive frame and willingness to cooperate as the private entrepreneurs’ effort to adapt to the environment.
作者: 朱斌、苗大雷、王修晓
作者单位: 中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心(朱斌);华中科技大学社会学院(苗大雷);中央财经大学社会与心理学院(王修晓)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.3:
关键词: 非效率逻辑;控制;合法化;非公党建
项目基金: 本研究受国家社会科学基金一般项目(20BSH143)、国家社会科学基金青年项目(20CSH090)和中央高校基本科研业务费资助(2019WKYXZX006)。
