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英文标题: Institutional Advantages and Governance Effectiveness: Organizational Mobilization in Poverty Alleviation
摘要: 本文从组织动员视角,通过呈现与分析脱贫攻坚中涉及动员的各种制度、过程、策略与技术,揭示了在贫困治理领域我国的制度优势转化为治理效能提升的过程与机制。研究认为,层次鲜明、梯次接续的组织动员机制在治理结构上构建了党政科层组织的内部条块以及国家、市场与社会之间的功能性耦合关系,在治理机制上形成了单中心的治理权力与多元治理主体协同行动的共存与实践。组织动员的多重机制重塑了贫困治理中的中央与地方关系、基层政权内部关系、基层政权与乡村社会关系,而治理结构和治理机制的双重创新则激活了贫困治理的国家能力与社会潜力,共同为提升治理效能奠定了坚实基础。
英文摘要: From a perspective of organizational mobilization, this article reveals the process and mechanism of transforming China’s institutional advantages into governance effectiveness by describing and analyzing the institutions, processes, strategies and tactics. It argues that the organizational mobilization with clear differentiation and gradual stratification enables a functionally complementary relationship within Party and government institutions, and among the state, the market, and the society with respect to the structure of governance, and leads to the coupling of monocentric administrative power and plural administrative units. The multi-layered mechanisms of organizational mobilization have reshaped the central-local relations, the internal power relations at the grassroot level, and the relations between grassroot political power and the rural society, while the dual innovation in governance structure and administrative mechanism has activated the state capacity and social potential in poverty alleviation. Together, they have laid a solid foundation for improving governance effectiveness.
作者: 符平、卢飞
作者单位: 华中师范大学社会学院(符平);中南民族大学民族学与社会学学院(卢飞)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.3:
关键词: 制度优势;治理效能;脱贫攻坚;组织动员
项目基金: 本文系国家社会科学基金重点项目“国家治理体系与贫困治理效能关系研究”(20ASH001)的阶段性成果。
