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英文标题: Waste as a Vibrant Matter: Waste Study under the Perspective of Materiality
摘要: 本文尝试通过物质性的进路对垃圾进行研究,这意味着在物质性视角下对垃圾进行重新理解,包括在社会历史维度上检视垃圾在现代化进程中的变迁,在人与物的关系中考察垃圾的制造与处理,以及对垃圾参与建构的诸多环境和社会议题进行分析。在此基础上,本文尝试使用行动者网络理论建立一个垃圾研究的分析框架。由对垃圾物质性的探究可见,垃圾虽被现代城市环境工程及主流处理技术界定为污秽、无用之死物,其实却是“活力之物”。垃圾具有社会生命,在社会当中生成、流动、转化,与不同的行动者互动、形成联结,并参与社会事实的建构。它以出人意料的方式影响环境与社会,不但持续挑战既有的环境治理方案和科技,而且促使社会不断寻求和创造新的技术、观念、实践和行动。
英文摘要: Drawing on the theory of materiality, this article seeks a new understanding of the waste. It first explores how the idea of waste changes in the history of modernization, and then examines various waste production and treatment practices as well as related environmental and social issues in different societies. Further, this article proposes an analytical framework for empirical studies of waste by employing ANT (Actor-Network-Theory). Based on the examination of the materiality of waste and the ANT analysis, this article points out that waste is not just a filthy or dead object defined by modern environmental projects as well as mainstream technologies, but a “vibrant matter” with a social life. It is produced, moved and transformed in the society; it interacts and assembles with different social actors and engages in the construction of social facts. Waste influences the environment and society in often unexpected manners. On the one hand, it constantly challenges the existing environmental governance. On the other hand, it provokes the reproduction of alternative technologies, notions, practices and actions.
作者: 张劼颖
作者单位: 中国社会科学院社会学研究所
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.2:
关键词: 垃圾;物质性;行动者网络理论;物的社会生命;环境治理
项目基金: 本文受国家社会科学基金青年项目“城乡环境治理的科技社会学理论与案例研究”资助(17CSH007)。
