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英文标题: On the “Dual Effect” of Project System—Data Analysis of Urban and Rural Community Projects
摘要: 项目在当前的国家治理中具有极为重要的意义,但其分配机制与成效也引发了大量的争论。本文通过系统的数据分析,揭示了基层的项目分布概况及其影响因素。在整体格局上,项目的分配呈现出“双重效应”:从宏观层面来看,经济欠发达的西部省份和农村地区获得了更多项目资源;但是,在地区内部,经济发展水平高的县和村/社区享受的项目资源更多。结合个案分析和数据验证,本文采用混合研究方法探究“双重效应”的形成机制。研究发现,中央政府通过项目制推进公共服务均衡,产生了宏观层面均等化分配现象;但是在省级以下,地方政府为了更容易应对考核任务,倾向于把项目分配给经济条件较好的地区。地方层面的两极化分配现象表明,项目制在实施过程中可能出现管理目标替代政策目标的问题。
英文摘要: The project system is of great significance in state governance, but its allocation mechanism and effectiveness also cause controversy. This paper examines project distribution and its influence factors. Overall, the allocation of projects presents a “dual effect”. That is, at the macro level, the economically underdeveloped western provinces and rural areas receive more resources; however, within a specific region, counties and communities with higher level of economic development enjoy more resources. Combined with case study and data analysis, this paper uses a mixed research method to explore the formative mechanism of “dual effect”. The study finds that the central government uses the project system to promote the balance of public services, which results in equal distribution at the macro level. However, below the provincial level, in order to perform better in the assessment, local governments tend to allocate projects to areas with better economic conditions. The phenomenon of polarized distribution shows a displacement of policy objectives by management objectives during the implementation of project system.
作者: 陈家建、巩阅瑄
作者单位: 南京大学社会学院(陈家建);西南财经大学经济与管理研究院(巩阅瑄)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2021.2:
关键词: 项目制;国家治理;双重效应;目标替代
