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教育系统的分流模式与教育不平等——基于 PISA 2015数据的国际比较

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英文标题: Diversion Patterns and Educational Inequality in the Education System: An International Comparison Based on PISA 2015 Data



Educational inequality is not only the result of family reproduction mechanisms from a micro perspective, but also influenced by the educational system from a macro perspective. To better explore the characteristics of educational inequality in China and its relative position around the world, this study examines the impact of different institutional arrangements on educational inequality by international comparison of secondary education systems. The present study classifies twenty-two countries into five types of education systems according to the differences in the classification process, including dual-track education system, pedagogical education system, liberal education system, egalitarian education system, and exam-oriented education system, and examines the mediating role of educational systems in education inequality. The results show that the association between the socio-economic status of the family and children’s academic performance differ substantially under different education systems. Specifically, the structural characteristics of educational inequality are similar across countries with the same education system, but significantly different across countries with different education systems. The main reason for these findings is the variability of screening and diversions mechanisms across different education systems.

作者: 侯利明
作者单位: 西安交通大学社会学系、实证社会科学研究所
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2020.6:
关键词: 教育系统;教育分流;教育不平等;国际比较;PISA

