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英文标题: Labor Order under Digital Control: A Study on the Labor Control of Take-out Platform Riders
摘要: 沿着马克思技术控制的思路,本文从组织技术和科学技术视角对外卖骑手的劳动过程进行研究。一方面,经过平台公司对控制权的重新分配,平台系统与消费者取代了平台公司对骑手进行管理。平台公司看似放弃了对骑手的直接控制,实则淡化了雇主责任;劳资冲突也被相应地转嫁到平台系统与消费者之间。另一方面,“数字控制”从实体的机器、计算机设备升级为虚拟的软件和数据,平台系统通过潜移默化地收集、分析骑手数据并将数据结果反作用于骑手而使劳动秩序成为可能。数字控制不仅削弱着骑手的反抗意愿,蚕食着他们发挥自主性的空间,还使他们在不知不觉中参与到对自身的管理过程中。数字控制还表明,资本控制手段不仅正从专制转向霸权,而且正从实体转向虚拟。
英文摘要: Following Marx’s analysis of technical control, this article studies the labor process of take-out riders from the perspectives of organizational technology and scientific technology. On the one hand, by redistributing control power, platform system (software) and consumers replace the platform company (manager) to manage take-out riders. The platform company seems to have given up direct control over riders; however, it downplays the employer’s responsibility and transfers labor conflicts to the platform system and consumers. On the other hand, “digital control” has changed from physical machines and computer equipments to virtual software and data. The platform system makes labor order possible through subtly collecting and analyzing data from the riders, and using these data analysis result to manage them. Thus, “digital control” not only weakens the rider’s willingness to resist, gradually reduces their autonomy, but also invites them to participate in an implicit process of self-management. The control methods of the capital are changing from autocracy to hegemony, from physical to virtual.
作者: 陈龙
作者单位: 北京大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2020.6:
关键词: 外卖骑手;劳动过程;控制权;数字控制

