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英文标题: New Mechanism for Poverty Alleviation: Organization, Operation, and Function of Work Teams Stationed in Villages
摘要: 关于驻村帮扶工作队的既有研究多探讨外部环境如何塑造队员的驻村实践,而没有较好地分析工作队本身的组织特征及其影响。本文将驻村帮扶工作队界定为混合科层组织,认为其是有助于运动式治理向常规性治理过渡的组织基础。我们认为,混合科层组织的特性使驻村帮扶工作队能够更好地起到汇聚资源、采集信息和培训干部的作用,但同时也导致了一些管理上的问题,如工作重点偏移、组织规则软化以及人际关系紧张。我们在结论处进一步认为,驻村帮扶工作队队员是“具身的国家”(the embodied state),可以促进国家与社会间的“互见”,使国家的在场变得更为能动。
英文摘要: Previous studies on work teams for poverty alleviation have explored how external environment shapes actions of members when they are stationing in villages, but paid little attention to this type of work team’s organizational characteristics and their relevant impacts In this paper, we define work teams for poverty alleviation as hybrid bureaucratic organizations, and argue that they could serve as an organizational base smoothening the transformation of campaign-style governance to routine bureaucratic politics. We lay out in detail that the organizational hybridity of work teams may facilitate the efforts of pooling resources, collecting information and training cadres, but it also leads to some management issues, such as mission drift, softening of rigorous rules and strained personal relations In the conclusion, we further regard members of work teams for poverty alleviation as “the embodied state” which would enhance “mutual seeing” between the state and the society as well as making the presence of the state more dynamic.
作者: 邓燕华、王颖异、刘伟
作者单位: 南京大学社会学院(邓燕华);西南财经大学公共管理学院(王颖异);四川省社会科学院社会学研究所(刘伟)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2020.6:
关键词: 驻村帮扶工作队;混合科层组织;运动式治理;常规性治理;“具身的国家”

