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英文标题: Politics of Community Love: Family-State Relationship in Modern Germany
摘要: 中国人习以为常的家国关联在西方同样存在类似的形态。本文将这种蕴含伦理维度的家国政治称为“共同体之爱的政治”(简称“爱的政治”),并借此反观近世德国的政治命运。文章从韦伯的宗教类型学出发,结合德国近代历史的重要节点考察赫尔德、费希特、黑格尔和韦伯等人的学说,进而发现:德国的“爱的政治”至少可以追溯到路德宗—虔信派保留的“家”的传统,在近代转型过程中又吸纳了自然法—契约政治的现代性因素从而走向君主立宪制。但随着若干关键条件的消失,立宪君主国迅速蜕变为专制帝国;而对自然法—契约政治的形式因素的工具性挪用也产生了纳粹化的风险。最后,文章对民主共和国的“爱的政治”开展了引申性对比,并对公民宗教等问题进行了反思。
英文摘要: This paper adopts the term “politics of community love” to refer to family-state politics with an ethical dimension, and reflects on the political destiny of modern Germany. Starting from Max Weber’s religious typology and referring to important episodes of Germany’s modern history, this paper examines the doctrines of Johann G. Herder, Johann G. Fichte, Georg W.F.Hegel, and Max Weber, and finds that Germany’s “politics of community love” can at least be traced back to the family tradition retained by Lutheranism-Pietism. The “politics of community love” absorbed the modern elements in the natural law-contract politics in the process of modernization, and finally moved toward constitutional monarchy. Due to lack of several critical conditions, the constitutional monarchy quickly turned into an authoritarian empire, and was Nazified by the instrumental appropriation of the formal elements of natural law-contractual politics. Lastly, this paper considers the “politics of community love” in Democratic Republics and reflects on issues such as citizen religion.
作者: 李荣山
作者单位: 上海大学社会学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2020.5:
关键词: 共同体;家国关联;爱的政治
项目基金: 本文是国家社会科学基金青年项目“韦伯比较历史社会学的方法论基础研究”(16CSH005)和国家社会科学基金重大项目“当代中国转型社会学理论范式创新研究”(17ZDA112)的阶段性成果。
