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Social Justice and the Construction of China’s Modernization

摘要: 社会公正是关系到一个国家现代化建设成功的大事。社会公正事关“把控”整个现代化建设的“基本方向”或“基本目的”“基本宗旨”“基本定向”一类的大问题。社会公正有两个相辅相成、缺一不可的基本价值取向。只有遵循这两个基本价值取向,方能有效解决现代化建设的基本定向问题。社会公正有助于现代化建设内生动力的激活和生成。如果不遵循社会公正的基本规则,现代化建设的内生动力就不可能形成,现代化建设就不可能具有活力和创造力。社会公正是影响整个社会共同体当中各个群体之间利益协调与否,进而成为影响整个社会安全与否的最为关键、最为直接的问题。遵循社会公正的基本规则,就能够有效协调社会各个群体之间的利益关系,进而有效维护现代化建设的安全局面。在中国现阶段,围绕着社会公正问题,应当注重几个基础方面:为市场经济创造一个公平竞争的环境,建立一个中级的民生保障体系,矫正社会公正推进过程中的不足之处。
英文摘要: Social justice has significant consequences for a country’s modernization. It concerns fundamental issues, such as the basic direction and orientation of the whole modernization project. There are two basic values of social justice, which are complementary and indispensable. Only following these two basic values can the basic orientation of modernization be effectively upheld. Social justice is conducive to the activation and generation of the internal driving force of modernization construction. If the basic rules of social justice are not followed, the internal driving force of modernization construction will not be formed, and modernization construction will lose vitality and creativity. Social justice has crucial and direct effect on the coordination of interests among all social groups in the whole social community, thus also the security of the whole society. Following the basic rules of social justice, the interests of various groups in society can be effectively coordinated, and the security of modernization can be ensured. At present, focusing on the issue of social justice, we need to pay attention to several basic aspects, such as creating a environment for fair competition in the market economy, establishing a medium-level social security system, and rectifying the deficiencies in the promotion of social justice.


作者单位: 中共中央党校社会和生态文明教研部
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2019.5:1-18
关键词: 社会公正;现代化建设;内生动力;安全保障
