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Crowd Dynamics: An Alternative Narrative of Social Psychology

摘要: 有史以来,人们一直对啸聚而成的混乱而宏大的群氓场面及其常常表现出的冲动、无理性和暴力倾向深感震惊。如何了解和把握群氓的本质并予以有效的驾驭,自柏拉图直至马基雅维里,都是人类文明史讨论中的一个凸显话题。1789年的法国大革命一方面重创了法国乃至整个欧洲的封建制度,另一方面也造就了长达百年的血腥、混乱和暴力。有关大革命及其意义的争论,孕育了勒庞、塔德和弗洛伊德等人有关群氓及其动力机制的讨论,并成为社会心理学中有关人类行为的另类叙事。尤其是勒庞及其“群氓精神一统率”,既影响到后世有关群氓与领袖以及权力关系的讨论,也缔造了美国社会学中集群行为研究的传统,并在今天的全球化时代促使人们审视由网络暴力带来的新的惊恐。
英文摘要: Throughout history, people have been shocked by the scale and chaos witnessed in the mass, or the crowd, and the emergence of its impulsiveness, irrationality, and tendency of violence. How to understand and grasp the nature of the crowd so as to harness it effectively has remained a widely-discussed issue in the history of human civilization, from Plato, Livius to Machiavelli. The French Revolution of 1789, on the one hand, devastated the feudal system of France and eventually the whole Europe; on the other hand, it created a hundred years of blood, chaos and violence. The debate about the French Revolution has given birth to the discussion of the crowd and its dynamic mechanism by Le Bon, Gabriel Tarde, and Sigmund Freud, which has later developed into an alternative narrative of human behavior in social psychology. Most influential of all is Le Bon’s “the law of the mental unity of crowds”, by which he analyzes the two sides of the crowd’s brutality and heroism, and describes the transformation from heterogeneity to homogeneity in gathered individuals. Le Bon’s research not only influenced subsequent discussion of the relationship between the crowd and the leader, as well as their power relations, but also created the tradition of collective behavior research in American sociology. Furthermore, in our era of globalization, it urges people to reflect on the new form of panic caused by network violence.


作者单位: 南京大学社会学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2018.6:186-211
关键词: 法国大革命;催眠与暗示;群氓动力学;集群行为研究
