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英文标题: | Another Form of “Amusing Ourselves to Death”?— Experience, Ideology and the Labor Process of the TV Variety Entertainment Shows |
摘要: | 与传统产业相比,创意文化产业中劳动者的劳动过程与同意制造发生了新变化。在娱乐性劳动中,管理者通过关系工作、情感工作和情怀工作将高强度劳动转化为令人愉悦的娱乐。不同于传统产业中的状况,其中的劳动控制并非依托于组织制度和经济激励,而是依托于关系、氛围、情怀等曾处于辅助地位的文化性因素。与此同时,制造同意背后的意识形态运作逻辑不再是传统的马克思—阿尔都塞式的,即管理者通过劳动过程塑造某种观念,以虚假意识的方式来掩盖真实存在的劳资关系,而成为拉康—齐泽克式的,即劳动者藉由特定体验进入了一个真实的幻象,在意识形态化的现实中追求着自己的剩余快感。最终,劳动者全身心地投入到了劳动之中。 |
英文摘要: | Compared with traditional industries, the labor process in culture industries has changed. In the entertainment industry, management transforms heavy labor into entertainment through relational work, emotional work, and feeling work. Different from traditional industries, this kind of labor control is not based on organizational institution or economic motivation, but relies on once supplementary cultural factors such as relationship, emotion and feelings. At the same time, the logic of ideological fantasy behind labors’consent is no longer the same as what Althusser generalized,i.e., managers shaping a certain concept through the labor process, and covering up real labor relations with a false sense of consciousness. It has changed to the way as Zizek described: The laborers experience a real ideology, pursuing their own plus-de-jouir in the ideological reality. In the end, the laborers devote both their body and soul to work. |
作者: | 贾文娟、钟恺鸥 |
作者单位: | 上海大学社会学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2018.6:159-185 |
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关键词: | 文创产业;劳动过程;娱乐性劳动;关系工作;意识形态幻象 |
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项目基金: | 本文系上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题“产业转型下国企劳资矛盾协调机制研究”(2017ESH004)以及上海市教委晨光计划项目“工厂政体与国企劳资矛盾协调机制研究”(16CG48)的阶段性成果。 |
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