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Mixed Subjective Class Status: A New Theory about Class Identification and the Social Status Discordance in China

摘要: 本文使用中国综合社会调查2010和2013年数据研究了中国民众的主观阶层认同及其偏差的影响因素。与以往的研究大多仅关注受访者本人的社会地位不同,本文提出了“混合型”阶层认同的概念,并发现除受访者本人之外,其配偶和父母的社会地位也会影响个体的主观阶层认同和阶层认同偏差。而且,父母社会地位对年轻人和与父母同住的人影响更大,配偶社会地位对在婚女性影响更大。此外,父母和配偶的社会地位对个体阶层认同的影响有随时间的推移不断增强的趋势。本研究指出,对中国民众阶层认同的研究应当以家庭为基本分析单位,充分考虑不同群体阶层认同影响因素的差异性,结合中国特殊的现代化进程来研究中国人阶层认同的影响因素及其变迁。
英文摘要: Based on the China General Social Survey in 2010 and 2013, this paper explores the determinants of class identification and the social status discordance in China. Different from prior studies that focus on individual’s objective social status per se, the author puts forward a concept of “mixed subjective class status” and finds that: (1) The objective social status of the individual per se together with their parents’ and spouse’s social status all have significant impact on one’s class identification and the social status discordance; (2) The impact of parents’ social status is stronger for young people and individuals who co-reside with their parents , whereas the impact of spouse’s social status is stronger for married women than married men; (3) The influence of parents’ and spouse’s social status on one’s class identification grows with time. This paper argues that it is necessary to use the family rather than individual as the unit of analysis when studying class identification in China. We should take full consideration of the heterogeneous effect of parents’ and spouse’s social status on different groups of people. The determinants of class identification and their change should be understood in the particular modernization process in China.


作者单位: 南京大学社会学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2018.6:102-129
关键词: 阶层认同;阶层认同偏差;客观社会地位;配偶父母
