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The Visual Arts in the Home of Chinese Middle-Class:Occupational Status Groups, Abstract Art, and Self-Presentation

摘要: 基于调查问卷数据、深度访谈和参与式观察,本研究发现,在中国的语境中阶级属性(教育背景和家庭可支配收入)不是预测中产家庭艺术消费的有效指标,既无法用以预测个人家中拥有艺术品的数量,也不能预测其是否喜欢或拥有抽象艺术。在拥有抽象艺术方面,符号边界更大程度上存在于职业地位群体之间,但这种差异只体现在文化资本较高与较低的职业地位群体的两极。此外,消费抽象艺术可能并不用于标示社会地位、实现文化区分,高雅艺术不仅仅作为合法性品位而存在,受访者更多地强调抽象艺术能激发想象,在跟艺术客体的互动中与个人生活相联系并达到某种精神状态。这与新艺术社会学强调的回归审美及物质性相一致,进一步削弱了布迪厄文化资本理论的相关论断。
英文摘要: Using surveys, interviews and ethnographic data, this article examines emerging Chinese middle-class families’ presentation of art in their home in addition to their reception and consumption of abstract art. The author argues that class attributes (i.e., income and education) cannot predict the differences in art consumption among the Chinese middle class. Regarding ownership of abstract art in the home, symbolic boundaries exist between occupational status groups. These boundaries distinguish between two traditionally perceived groups: those with high cultural capital (culture, education, and art) and those with lower cultural capital (manufacturing and service industries). However, consuming abstract art is not necessarily a signal of one’s class status, nor does it function as a “legitimate” taste. Middle-class consumers instead emphasize that interacting with abstract art in the home creates the imaginative capability to wander and connects one’s own life experiences. This finding joins a growing literature in the “new sociology of art” that emphasizes the aesthetic properties and materiality of art and taste in action, which further undermines Bourdieu’s cultural capital theory that sees taste as a static social symbol. Lastly, even for upper- and upper-middle classes, their consumption of abstract art is often exaggerated, as there is a big gap between liking abstract art and owning abstract art. This reveals the different self-presentations of the emerging Chinese middle classes in public and private spaces, indicating their impression management and the conflict self.


作者单位: 美国西北大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2018.5:66-92
关键词: 文化资本;中产阶级;艺术消费;地位群体;物质文化
